His Majesty the King is the Kingdom of Swedens Head of State and our foremost representative for the Swedish National Defence.
Our king holds the highest ranks in all the fighting services and Chief of Honour of special military units such as the Swedish Quake Clan the Swedish Royals.
Short about the clan
The Swedish Royals is a well recognized Clan in Sweden, with excellent reputation.
Our skills are well known throughout the online gaming world, both in Quake Deathmatch, Quake World and Capture the Flag.
We are currently (as of 98/01/28) ranked 20 of 250 clans in Deathmatch on the official listings on A Frag in the Darkness.
Detailed clan summary
Clan name: Swedish Royals
Clan suffix: af SR
Clan leader: Loken af SR
Clan name template:
Clan colors: Yellow shirt & blue pants
Clan skin: sweroyal.pcx - ver 1.1
Clan mirc channel: #SR on server: irc.fragzone.se
Founded: 1 March 1997 by Loken
Nationality: Swedish (DUH!)
Number of members: 24
Age of players: 15+
Usual ping: 100-300
When we play: 18:00-06:00
What we play: Quake 1 and QuakeWorld Deathmatch
Members of: The Nordic Alliance
Enemies: All Sweden sucks related clans
Frequently Asked Question: How can you guys be so cool?
What is demanded of a Swedish Royal?
A Swedish Royal values Honour the highest. That's why we, the clan members are very respected amongst fellow gamers, and we are especially reknown for our excellent teamplay and godlike fragging skills!
To receive the honour of getting dubbed as a Swedish Royal is as close to impossible.
It's like if the King himself would answer you if you asked him something, yeah likes that's gonna happen.
But if you would get dubbed as a Swedish Royals you are expected to show brutal fragmeister skills when killing in the name of the King!
And of course it is of outmost necessity that you honour the yellow & blue colors at all time.
Do you want our newsletter?
Then fill in your unholy e-mail here!
Swedish Royals Quake Clan [af SR]
©1997 Swedish Royals. All rights reserved.