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Clan War #28
980328 The Hell Clan [THC]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 159 - 59
Period 1: e1m3 (20 min) Score: 76-42 Win
Period 2: e2m3 (20 min) Score: 83-17 Win
Ranking picture period:
1 - 2
Another easy ass kicking in this clan battle against the puny Hell Clan. With some excellent tactics we totally owned them on both maps. Hail to the King baby and nice play team.
Clan War #27
980205 Heavy Devils Sweden [HDS]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 236 - 155
Period 1: E1M3 (30 min) Score: 128 - 56 Win
Period 2: E3M7 (30 min) Score: 108 - 99 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: E1M3
Our game wasn´t quite up to par on e1m3, but we still managed to whip their butts...
our tactics worked fairly well and the
only one of their players got his game going..
Our teamplay sucked bigtime. Coordination and tactics were at a minimum. Still we managed to win the leve. Real strange game. Our win was mainly due to excellent play by SHaoLIN AND SHAFTMAN...@:Þ
Clan War #26
980201 Jägarna [HB]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 151 - 256
Period 1: e1m3 (30 min) Score: 57 - 84 Loss
Period 2: Dm2 (30 min) Score: 79 - 172 Loss
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: I don't remember anything from this match. ( I don't want to remember.)
No Comments!
Clan War #25
980129 The Shogun Assasins [TSA]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 186 - 186
Period 1: Dm6 (30 min) Score: 63 - 138 Loss
Period 2: E1m3 (30 min) Score: 123 - 48 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: First period: Dm6. Sr realy sucks on this map, we need to exercise teamplay on this level. I didn't play, but it looked like [TSA] had control over the whole level.
Second period: E1m3. Hehe, this is our standard map. We toke controll over the Yellow area from the beginning, and Gambler held it for the rest of the game. We almost held the "elevator" and the "GL-area" through the whole map too, but lost it at the end of the game. We played good at this level.
Clan War #24
980128 Voice of Enigma [VoE]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 175 - 73
Period 1: Dm1 (30 min) Score: 100 - 67 Win
Period 2: E1m3 (30 min) Score: 75 - 6 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: Första banan Dm1 hade ingen av klanerna valt.. Det hade blivit en fel bokning. Dessutom kom inte stojj in, så vi spela 3-4. Men vi vann denna bana ändå.
Andra banan E1m3 fick vi kontroll över det gula armor från början och höll det sedan genom matchen. Vi tappa "GL" och "Hissen" några gånger, men fick tillbaka dessa områden mot slutet. Tyvär så droppa en Sr och 2 VoE på slutet, så screenshotet ser lite tokigt ut. :)
Clan War #23
980121 Shinra Inc [SI]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 141 - 96
Period 1: DM2 (30 min) Score: 68 - 73 Loss
Period 2: E1m3 (30 min) Score: 63 - 23 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: First period: Hahaha, Sr played realy bad. The teamplay sucked..
Second period: Hahaha, we almost lost this one too.. A member of clan Shinra left the game at the end, so they should add 32 to the score. Nothing more to say..
Clan War #22
980113 Killer Kings [kk]
Type: DM - RQ
Total result: 91-23
Period 1: e1m3 (30 min) Score: 42-23 Win
Period 2: dm6 (30 min) Score: 49-0 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: This was going to be a 4 vs 4 match. I was the only one that could play from SR, but just before the match begun, The_Saint showed up. Now we could play 2-4. Hehehe. Lucky for us, they showed up with only 3 players.
Since it's was RQ (SR's last rq match) the server was laggy and the ping high. The_Saint entered the game 2min late, but it didn't matter. I played 1-3 and fragged their asses. I got 10 frags, but was disconnected when Saint entered the game. When i re-entered the game, one of their players left the game because his ping was to high (he had 5 frags). We won this level e1m3, but they fought back good.
The second level was DM6 and this level was really FUN. Saint got control over the rl+100h area and I got control over the Red Armor and RL area. We held these area's for the rest of the game. We won this level very easy.
Clan War #21
971217 Destruction Youth [DY]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 122-96
Period 1: E2m2 (20 min) Score: 38-76 Loss
Period 2: E1m3 (20 min) Score: 84-20 Win
Ranking picture period: 1 - 2
Comments: The first period started very bad. 2 players in SR were a couple of minuts late, so [Dy] got all the key-position's. We had no teamplay and our taktic didn't work at all. The only area we had controll over, were the Thunderbolt area. [Dy] won this level easy.
The second period started very good. This time 2 of SR connected first, so they got control over the RL elevator and the Yellow Armor Area. 1 player in [Dy] didn't show upp so, we played 4-3. SR had key-position almost all the game, so we won this easy.
Clan War #20
971201 Bovver Boot Clan [BBC]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 140-123
Period 1: DM2 (30 min) Score: 76 - 76 Equal
Period 2: E1M3 (30 min) Score: 68 - 47 Win
Comments: Shaolin hade fel på sitt qw så han kom sent
WhiplasheR kom in ett tag sen vart det något fel.
Shaolin kom först på DM2 (Deras bana)
Darth kom först på E1M3 (Våran bana)
Clan War #19
971117 Stasi [Stasi]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 29-104
Period 1: E1m2 (20 min) Score: 9 - 48 Loss
Period 2: E1m3 (20 min) Score: 20 - 56 Loss
We had a bad day period.
Clan War #18
971112 DooMination [DooM]
Type: DM - QW
Total result: 126 - 241
Period 1:
e1m3 (20 min)
50 - 23 Win
Period 2:
e3m7 (20 min)
23 - 80 Loss
Matchen börja med att The-man inte kom.. Så jag lyckades övertala DooM att spela 3 vs 3..Första banan var E1m3. Men bara efter någon minut så dissa en av deras spelare och kunde tydligen inte komma in igen (lock-out fanns på servern). Så vi spela 3 vs 2.. Jag tog Gult armor från början och höll sedan detta område hela matchen.. Gambler och darth fraggade järnet runt RL.. Dock slog DooM tillbaka några gånger med hjälp av GL. (det är ju betydligt lättare att träffa och skada med GL i QW än i RQ).. Iallefall så sluta denna bana med vinst för SR..
Andra banan var E3m7. Vi kom överens om att de fick spela 4 st, medans
vi bara var 3 st.(som kompensation för att vi bara spela 3-2 första
banan..).. Inte mycke att säga om denna bana.. En av de minsta banorna
med 4 zoner..
Zon1. GL, den minst viktiga zonen.
Zon2. Gult A,RL,Quad.
Zon3. Gult A,100H,quad,RL,666, Rött armor,Ring of shadows..
Zon4.(källaren). Supernailgun, nailgun,grönt armor.
Jag tog Zon 3 från början och höll denna ett kortare tag... Spelet
varierade ganska mycket, men för det mesta så kontrollerade DooM
Zon1,Zon2,Zon3.. Då hamnade vi i SR i Källaren(Zon4), där DooM slog ut
oss lätt..vi lyckades återta Zon3 vid flera tillfällen, fast vi tappa
den alltid efter ett tag.. DooM vann den här banan med mycket..
Clan War #17
971106 Da Swedish Mob [SweMob]
Thursday, 6 November 1997 Total score:
13 - 374 Type:
DM Winners:
Da Swedish Mob
Period 1: e1m2 - 30 min Score:
16 - 128 Period 2:
dm2 - 30 min Score: 3 - 246
Clan War #16
971105 Chains of Quake [CoQ]
Wednesday, 5 November 1997 Total score:
84 - 200 Type:
DM Map: e1m2 - 30 min Winners:
Chains of Quake Comments:
Clan War #15
971104 Necro Legares [NL]
Tuesday, 4 November 1997 Total score:
79 - 14 VICTORY Type:
DM Map: e1m3 - 40 min Winners:
Swedish Royals Comments:
Så enkelt. We rule!
Clan War #14
971026 No Mercy [NO]
Sunday, 26 October 1997 Total score:
1648 - 67 VICTORY Type:
CTF Winners:
Swedish Royals
Period 1: e1m2 - 30 min Score:
831 - 31 Period 2:
e1m3 - 30 min Score: 817 - 36
Clan War #13
971022 Army of Hell [AoH]
Wednesday, 22 October 1997 Total score: |